306693308Becket306693308Nina Weiler Historical Commission Meeting Minutes
October 12, 2011
Present: Rob, Rita, Harry, Aaron
Meeting called to order at 7:00pm
Minutes from previous meeting read and passed without any changes or alterations unanimously by a show of hands.
Treasurer’s Report
No activity since last report (nothing in, nothing out)
- Received notice that Town Hall will be without power on October 15
- Received a postcard advertising a War of 1812 Death Register available for purchase for $50 – we will inquire with other local Historical Commissions/Societies to see if any have this Register available for our use should we need it
- Rob found a picture of a campground (location unknown) under floorboards in his attic
- Received notice/information about open meeting laws from Town Clerk (George Roberts)
- Special Permit for 38 Carter Road to open a general service carpentry shop in a barn on this property – no historical concerns
- Received information regarding matching funds/grants (Survey & Planning Grant Cycle FY 2012) from MA Historical
- Received bill for calendar ($12) – funds will come out of our account
Three Informational Maps
- Rob submitted receipts for funds he has spent on supplies so far (LP Adams - $92.50 for 3 sheets of plywood and a 4’x4’ ; Home Depot - $9.28 for lag bolts)
- Aaron contacted Doreen Canzanella at Sabic – she said they can donate the Plexiglas material that we need to cover the directional maps. Aaron will provide the exact sizes once he and Rob have the needed measurements.
- Rob and Aaron will continue to winterize the map frames as time allows
Discussion of BRPC (Berkshire Regional Planning Committee) Conference
- Rob attended this conference and gave a report of what was presented. There was much talk about updating inventories and a push for National Historic Districts to form Local Historic Districts.
- Rob brought up the situation with the Higley Apothecary. It was suggested to Rob that there may be funding available to stabilize the building, but MA Historical can only intervene if a non-profit or municipality owns the property. A representative from MA Historical said he could draft a letter to the property owners letting them know that MA Historical is interested in the condition of the property and any restoration efforts being made.
- Berkshire Regional Planning wants us to update some information – a discussion followed and we filled in some information regarding historical/cultural sites/areas in Becket
Old Business
- Rita replaced the Becket Center informational sign that had been damaged – she will possibly caulk around the sign to secure it further
- Rita said Rich will look into circle forms that we may be able to use for Historical Home Plaques
New Business
- Rita mentioned that Izzy Salvini said he found a cemetery on Plumb Rd. in Becket – he would like to take us there and show it to us. There was a discussion about whether or not this is a cemetery we have inventoried already. Rita will look into this.
- There was a discussion about the Six Maples structure (featured in a picture we have) and where exactly it is located. Rob and Rita will research.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm